Rules And Regulations
- A person is judged by his manners. Therefore, students shall be obedient and respectful to teachers and all elders, and greet them warmly wherever they meet them at school and outside.
- Since cleanliness is next to Godliness, every student shall consider cleanliness of dress and person as essential virtues.
- Students are to speak only in English at school.
- The School will not be responsible for any accident to pupils during school hours or picnics/excursions.
- Students who damage any property of the school shall make good the loss.
- All the students must be in their seats before the teacher enters the classroom. During the absence/delay of a teacher, the class leaders are responsible for maintaining the discipline.
- Every student must look after his/her belongings. The school authorities will not be responsible for the things lost. Valuable things like gold ornaments are not to be brought to school.
- To avoid accidents and injuries, no one shall bring to school razor blades, sharp instruments explosives.
- Besides the school books and library books, no other books or magazines or news papers are to be brought to school.
- The Principal maintains the right to control all correspondence that come to students through the school.
- The School handbook and diary is an essential part of a student’s outfit and as such, it should be brought to school on all working days. In case of loss or damage, a new diary should be purchased within two days.
- Late comers shall make the necessary entry in the late arrival column of their school diary and show it to the Principal before proceeding to their respective class rooms.
- Written permission must be obtained from the Principal for the following : a) To make collections for any purpose. b) To organise meetings, parties, picnics etc., c) To leave school premises during the school hours, d) To give present to the members of the staff. e) To organise and conduct competitions and matches with other schools.
- Students, who absent themselves without leave for more than 10 consecutive days, shall be deemed to have left the School and as such their names will be automatically struck off the Rolls. Re-admission is left to the discretion of the Principal.
- Attendance on the opening and closing day of each term, after special holidays like Dussera and Christmas, and official functions like Independence Day, Teacher’s Day, Children’s Day, Sports Day, School Annual Day, Republic Day are to be attended by all the students without fail. Such an absence will be punishable with fine.
- Students whose attendance is irregular, or who habitually neglect home assignments, or who in the opinion of the school authorities repeatedly violate the rules and regulations of the school or whose conduct is not in keeping with the moral tone of the school or whose activities are detrimental to the very objectives of De Paul School, are liable to be expelled. In this case the decision of the Principal is final and binding.
- Students shall not bring Mobiles, & other electronic gadgets to the school premises.
Since education begins at home, a combined effort by parents and the school alone will bring about the all-round development of the children. Hence, parents are requested.
- To inculcate in their children love for order and punctuality, sense of cleanliness and friendliness, self-reliance and self-discipline.
- To check daily the note books and school-diaries of their children and to see to it that the home assignments for the day-following are done regularly. School diaries are to be seen daily and special remarks, if any, entered therein by the Principal or Teacher to be countersigned and attended without delay.
- To contact the Principal from time to time and discuss with him matters connected with the conduct and academic progress of their wards. Should there be a legitimate complaint against a teacher or the school, the matter is to be brought to the notice of the Principal and not to the general public.
- To seek leave of absence only through writing in the school diary, and if needed to be supported by medical certificate. Since absence from school will retard the progress of students, leave is to be sought only in unavoidable circumstances.
- Not to contact teachers or students during class hours. Parents are urged to meet the Principal and the Teachers on all parents-teachers meeting days. However, in case of any urgent need, Teachers could be contacted at 2.45 p.m., with the permission of the Principal.
- Not to enter any classroom or meet any teacher without the permission of the Principal.
- To supplement class-room teaching with certain amount of guidance at home especially through conversation in English.
- To reach their wards in time to the school and to make necessary arrangements to have their children taken back home immediately after school hours.
- Not to circulate leaflets nor assemble together nor organise any meeting in the school premises without the express permission of the Principal.
- To leave the campus at the stroke of the bell at 8.20 a.m. Parents are not permitted to enter beyond the Main grill.
- To bring the school diary of students on all Parents Teachers Meetings.
- To check the neatness of the school uniforms and shoes.
- To encourage their ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
- To inform the school immediately if there is any change in address, telephone numbers and bus route.
- To explain to the child the need to look after his/her belongings. The school does not accept responsibility for any item lost in school. All articles belonging to the child should have identification details.
- To ensure that their ward is in proper school uniform. No fancy jewellery like danglers, trinkets, studs etc. should be worn by girls/boys.
- To ensure that their ward does not wear/carry smart watch to school.
- To keep leave for half a day to a minimal as far as possible. In case of an emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal / Vice Principal and the Class Teacher.
- To ensure that during their ward’s absence from school, work done in the class is made up for.
- To provide a supportive value-based environment to their ward at home. Using discretion and parental judgement, keep track of their ward’s mental health and emotions.
- To monitor the internet sites being visited by their ward and limit Television viewing to appropriate programmes and duration.
- To contact school to discuss and decide a plan of action to handle the difficulties (academic as well as behavioral) of their ward and to seek guidance. Your letters will be replied to after discussion with the concerned teachers.
- To ensure that their ward appears for all tests as per the schedule given in the Hand book. In case the child is unable to take the examination, prior intimation must be given to the Class Teacher in writing.
- To discourage their ward from taking additional leave before the commencement of examinations.
- To insist on punctuality and regularity in attending classes. Attendance at school function such as Children’s day, Teacher’s day, Sport’s day etc, is very important.